Summary of Research Paper: Best Writing Tips

So, you’ve just been tasked with writing a summary of research paper and don’t know exactly where to start and how to go about writing this academic paper. There’s no need to worry. The truth is that almost all students who receive this assignment for the first time have the same problem as you do.
The good news is that writing an executive summary research paper is not as difficult as you think. You will receive this assignment quite often in college, or even high school. Learning how to write a summary of a research paper as early as possible is a great idea, and we’ll soon show you why. Of course, we will also show you exactly how to write the summary from start to finish.
What Is a Summary of Research Paper?
OK, but what is a summary of research paper? As its name clearly suggests, this academic paper is a summary written to provide an overview of a specific study or article. In most cases, you will be discussing peer-reviewed research papers. There isn’t much to say about this writing assignment because it’s not as difficult as writing the research paper from scratch. After reading your research paper summary, anyone should be able to understand the basic concepts explained in the paper and the various methods and conclusions it contains.
Why Is the Summary of a Research Paper so Important?
Now, you may be wondering why the research paper executive summary seems to be so important. Your professors do, indeed, pay close attention to the way you complete these writing assignments. Here is why:
- By writing an executive summary for research paper, you demonstrate that you can carefully read the paper and that you actually understand what is written in it.
- A summary demonstrates your ability to analyze and understand complex topics and the way peer-reviewed research papers are written.
- A correctly written summary shows that you can easily interpret scientific literature and are willing to go the extra mile to understand every concept explained in the research paper.
- You can demonstrate to your professor that you know how to identify the thesis of the study, the hypotheses, the methods, the results, and the interpretations.
Yes, knowing how to write an excellent summary of a research paper is a great way to get some top grades in various classes. In addition, there is one more thing the summary helps you with. It will be much easier to write research papers from start to finish if you already know how to write a summary for a research paper.
How to Write a Summary of a Research Paper in 5 Steps
It doesn’t matter if the summary is a standalone project or if you are required to write a summary at the end of a research paper. The basic steps you need to take are basically the same. If you want to complete the assignment very quickly, follow this guide and write the executive summary for a research paper in less than one hour:
- The first step to writing the perfect executive summary of research paper involves skimming through the research paper. No, not reading it from start to finish, but skimming through it. Make a note of all the important parts and ideas. You want to have some knowledge about the paper before you start analyzing it more carefully.
- Do some further research if there are parts of the research paper that you don’t understand. In many cases, students don’t fully understand all the concepts and ideas and end up writing a summary that reflects this. Your professor will be very attentive to this as well, so don’t make the mistake of thinking that your lack of knowledge will pass unnoticed.
- Read the entire research paper carefully and make additional notes. Maybe you’ve missed an important part, method or finding while skimming the article. Pay close attention to paragraphs that are very important (such as the Methods, Results and Discussion). Of course, don’t disregard the introduction because it contains the all-important thesis. And remember, in most cases each body paragraph contains a statement that is supported by the entire paragraph.
- The next step of writing an executive summary for a research paper is to create a draft from the ideas you have collected so far. Remember that a summary needs to be short, concise and to the point. Don’t beat around the bush and don’t use unnecessary words. Also, don’t focus on unimportant talking points.
- Polish the draft, edit it and make sure it looks good and well organized. Read the summary out loud to make sure it reads well. And don’t forget to proofread your work – at least twice. One or two typos can impact your final grade.
If you don’t have the time to write a paper and don’t want to put your grade at risk, you need a professional writer to deal with it.
Getting a Great Research Paper Summary Example
Now that you know how to write summary of research paper, it’s time to see how you can speed up the process and do a better job. Do not worry, we won’t tell you to write 10 summaries until you get the hang of it. Instead, we’ll show you a way to get better in just 15 minutes. We’ve told you to make sure your summary looks good, but how do you know if it looks good or not? The trick is to find and carefully analyze an excellent research paper summary example. Simply by analyzing a good example, you can learn a lot about how your final summary should look like.
However, getting your hands on an executive summary example research paper experts would be happy to have is a difficult – but not impossible – task. The Internet is full of examples, but most of them are poorly written and some are downright horrible. Some websites would even have you pay to download “samples.” Don’t do it because using these examples will get your summary flagged for plagiarism. And we all know the penalty for plagiarism, don’t we?
If you want to quickly learn how to write summary of research paper, you need an example. And you need an original, top quality one. Simply by getting in touch with our team of professional writers and seasoned editors, you can get cheap research papers in no time. You will be free to use them as you see fit, because everything we send to our clients is 100% original and written from scratch.
In Conclusion
In conclusion, learning how to write an executive summary for a research paper is not difficult. It’s almost the same as writing the conclusion for a research paper (you just have less information to summarize when writing the conclusion). Be careful to include only the important parts of the paper and make sure you understand all the concepts and terms before you attempt to use them in your summary.
Last, but not least, don’t be afraid to get professional writing help when you feel you can’t complete the project on time or can’t do a good job. Your GPA depends on your ability to get top grades. Don’t risk damaging it and get in touch with us as early as possible so we can send you a well-written research paper summary template. Contact us with a “please, do my essay for me” request and we’ll get your papers done!