152 Relevant Human Rights Research Topics To Check Out

Let’s face it: students who are required by their professor to write human rights research papers don’t exactly get the highest grades on these papers. Yes, writing such and essay is difficult. However, did you know that you can make things a lot easier for yourself simply by choosing the right human rights research topics? Yes, being able to choose a good topic that is also insightful and interesting can make your paper easier to write and can make your teacher give you a better grade. At the very least, you should some bonus points on your essay. But how do you find the best topics? Who can you trust to give you a list of ideas for free?
The Best Human Rights Paper Topics Online
The answer is simple: you can rely on us for all your human rights paper topics. We have the most recent and the most interesting topics on the Internet and, even better, they are all 100% free. You can use any of our ideas without paying anything and without giving us any credit. And did you know that we are working hard to update the list as frequently as possible? Now, if you’re wondering about the structure of such a paper, here is our recommended structure:
- An introduction. This is where you set the stage, present your thesis statement and provide some background information about the subject.
- Body paragraph #1. You will start by making a statement and then use the remainder of the paragraph to support it. Each paragraph should discuss just one important idea.
- Body paragraph #2. Introduce a new idea and give supporting evidence.
- Body paragraph #3. Touch upon a new idea once again, and give supporting statements.
- A conclusion. Summarize all your findings, show how your research supports your thesis statement and end the paragraph with a strong call to action.
We know you’ve been waiting for this, so here is our human rights topics list for high school and college students:
Easy Human Rights Topics
If you want to write the paper quickly, all you have to do is pick one of our easy human rights topics:
- Discuss mental health treatment around the world
- What causes police brutality in the United States?
- Talk about human rights in the Old Testament
- Human rights under Saddam Hussein’s rule
- A closer look at human rights in Iran
- Present 3 cases of human rights violations in China
- Human rights and the war on terror
- Regulations against countries that infringe on human rights
- The differences between the freedom model and human rights
Interesting Human Rights Research Questions
We have compiled the most interesting human rights research questions for college and high school students in a separate list right here:
- What are some human rights problems with the New Testament?
- How does obesity effect the workplace environment?
- Do migrants have the same rights as other EU citizens?
- Do Mexican immigrants face human rights abuse in the US?
- Discuss the rights of African immigrants in the UK
- Is free education a right in Africa?
- What are the major human rights campaigns of 2023?
- What is the future of human rights in 2023?
- Do death row inmates lose their right to live?
- What were the voting rights in Ancient Greece?
History Of Human Rights
Are you interested in writing about the history of human rights? We have some interesting topic you could write about right here:
- The Catholic Church and human rights
- Talk about the French Declaration on the Rights of Man and Citizen
- When did the concept of human rights first appear
- Human rights in Ancient Egypt
- Human rights in the Maya civilization
- Human rights in Ancient Rome
- An in-depth analysis of the Magna Carta (1215)
- Discuss the English Bill of Rights
- Human rights during World War II
- The inception of human rights: doctrines of the Stoics
- Discuss the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by Eleanor Roosevelt
Human Rights Research Paper Topics For College
If you are a college student, you will be thrilled to learn that we have some of the best human rights research paper topics for college on the Web:
- An in-depth look at human rights abuses during the Vietnam War
- Discuss human rights during the Cold War period
- Human rights violations during the annexation of Crimea
- Talk about human rights in Medieval times
- An in-depth analysis of human rights in Belarus
- Human rights in Nazi Germany
- What is the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882?
- Discuss the effect of apartheid on human rights
- The impact of religion on human rights
- Famous human rights activists who died for their beliefs
Human Rights Topics For Research Paper In High School
Of course, we have more than enough human rights topics for research paper in high school. Check out these wonderful ideas:
- The importance of the Human Rights Act of 1993 in New Zealand
- Human rights violations by Israel against Palestinians
- Human rights violations in Africa
- Human rights issues caused by racial segregation
- Are African Americans targeted specifically by police in the US?
- Talk about gender disparity related to wages in the UK
- Child labor in the Philippines
- What is an ombudsman?
- Equal rights in Eastern bloc countries
- Discuss human rights in a sport of your choice
Difficult Topics For A Human Rights Paper
Are you looking to impress your classmates and your professor? Here are some more difficult topics for a human rights paper for you:
- LGBT marriage and human rights
- The rights of women in 3 African countries
- The rights of women under Taliban rule in Afghanistan
- United Arab Emirates: signs of human rights violations
- Human rights of Native Americans
- Can we justify torture?
- Human rights on social media
- Human rights in communist regimes
- Human rights in fascist Germany
Human Rights Topics For Discussion
Interested in a debatable topic to discuss with your debate group? Here are some interesting human rights topics for discussion:
- Child labor in China
- Talk about the disability rights in the US
- The right to non-discrimination
- North Korea human rights violations
- Middle East: the rights of women
- Talk about body shaming
- Discuss the Human Rights Act
- The right of freedom of expression is under attack
- The right to life and the death penalty
Social Issue Topics For Essays
If you want to talk about some pressing social issues, our writers have compiled a list of original social issue topics for essays for you:
- Climate change and human rights
- Discuss health care availability in the United Kingdom
- The effects of poverty on human rights
- The effects of homelessness on human rights
- Discuss the voting age in the US
- Overpopulation and its effects on human rights
- Talk about the LGBT community and its rights
- Vaccines and human rights
- The refugee crisis in Europe
- Discuss racial injustice in the United States
- Gun violence and related human rights debates
International Human Rights
No human rights topics list would be complete without a section related to international human rights. Check out these original ideas:
- Child labor in Pakistan
- The EU Digital COVID Certificate: a human rights violation
- Effects of wars on human rights
- Human rights on the Internet
- A closer look at child labor in India
- Discuss the effect of Covid-19 on human rights
- The right to peaceful assembly during the Covid 19 pandemic
- Protecting groups against human rights abuses in 2023
Human Rights Of Women
We encourage you to write a paper about the human rights of women because our experience shows that these essays get pretty good grades:
- The right to live free from violence in China
- The right to own property in Iran
- Women’s rights are under attack in Africa
- The right to live free from discrimination in the US
- The right to vote in Islamic countries
- The right to be educated in Afghanistan under Taliban rule
- The right to earn a fair and equal wage as a woman
- Human rights violations in China
- The End Violence Against Women movement
Controversial Human Rights Topics For Research
Why would you be afraid of writing about controversial topics? Your professor will love it! Here are some interesting and controversial human rights topics for research:
- Human trafficking in Asian countries
- Discuss gender equality problems in North America
- Should convicted criminals be denied human rights?
- Controversial LGRTQ+ rights in the European Union
- Talk about issues caused by nationalism
- The Anti-Gay bill in Uganda
- Talk about the controversial nature of human rights
- Discuss the United States’ retreat from Human Rights Council
- Who is responsible for human rights violations?
An Interesting Research Paper On Human Rights
If you want to write an interesting research paper on human rights in 2023, you should consider selecting one of these unique ideas:
- Allowing minorities to pray at the workplace
- US human rights violations in Korea
- Is democracy protecting human rights?
- Discuss the use of torture at Guantanamo
- A closer look at the European Human Rights Commission
- Discuss gender discrimination in Canada
- The link between poverty and human rights abuse
- Is apartheid racism?
- Martin Luther King Jr.’s human rights movement
- Legalizing gay marriages in Russia
- The rights of lower caste Indians
Human Rights Law
It’s not simple writing a research paper about human rights law, we know. However, these topics are relatively simple:
- Discuss the principle of equality
- Talk about cultural diversity in the US
- The principle of economic justice
- The rights of indigenous peoples in the US
- Migration laws and human rights
- Talk about the principle of inclusion
- Protecting human dignity during wartime
- Laws that protect social justice in the UK
- Discuss business and human right laws
So, it’s not an easy task to write a paper for a high grade. Sometimes every student need a professional help with research paper writing. Therefore, don’t be afraid to hire a writer to complete your assignment. Just write a message “Please, write custom research paper for me” and get time to relax. Contact us today and get a 100% original paper.
Human Rights Violations And Cases
Would you like to talk about some human rights violations and court cases? Here are our best ideas:
- Where are human rights violations tried?
- Peculiarities of the Al-Bihani v. Obama case
- Documented attacks on unarmed Palestinian civilians by Israeli forces
- The importance of the International Criminal Court
- What is the European Court of Human Rights?
- The importance of the Nestle USA, Inc. v. Doe et al. case
- Discuss the Al-Quraishi, et al. v. Nakhla and L-3 Services case
- Human rights violations in the Gaza Strip
- Israel targeting health facilities or professionals in the Gaza strip
Most Current Human Rights Ideas
You should always do your best to write about the most recent events. Here are our most current human rights ideas:
- Mandatory vaccination: a human rights violation
- Human rights violations in the name of the Covid pandemic
- Human rights in North Korea
- Human rights in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan
- The refugee crisis in Syria
- Worker rights in South Africa
Political Ideas Related To Human Rights
Nobody says you can’t write about politics while relating to human rights. Check out these exceptional political ideas that are related to human rights:
- Communism and human rights
- Political rights vs. human rights
- Socialism and human rights
- How are human rights related to politics?
- Capitalism and human rights
- Economic rights in modern politics
Advanced Human Rights Topics
Are you looking for some more advanced topics? If you want to push yourself to the limit, we recommend you give these ideas a try:
- Winning a genocide case in 2023
- Talk about the visual culture
- Talk about indigenous people’s right in the United States
- Protecting the rights of displaced persons
- An anthropological approach to human rights
- Negative effects of anti-terrorism on human rights
Top Notch Paper Writing Help
Do you need top quality college paper writing services & help? Want to get the best grade on your next human rights research paper? Rely on our human rights experts and ENL writers to help you with your project right away. We have experts available right now, so we can get started on your paper in minutes. Keep in mind that all our writers are educated and have Master’s and PhD degrees in various fields, including law and political sciences. Getting reliable, affordable academic writing help has never been easier. Good communication between our writers and yourself is extremely important, so you can talk to our expert directly – as much as you like. Also, our customer support is here to solve any problems 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. What are you waiting for? Get in touch with us and take advantage of our latest discounts today!