Top 100 Opinion Essay Topics to Discuss

Are you looking for the best opinion essay topics on the Internet? The good news is that you have arrived at the right place. We have a list of 100 topics for you. Furthermore, you are free to use any of the topics as you see fit. This means, of course, that you can reword them in any way you like. We know that finding good opinion essay topics can take hours, if not days. We also know that the quality of the topics you write your papers on directly influences your grades. Don’t believe us? We’ll quickly demonstrate why you absolutely need exceptional opinion essay topics.
Do You Need Topics for Opinion Essay?
Let’s be honest: writing opinion essay topics is not easy. If it were, everyone would do it. You wouldn’t be searching for the best topics right now. In almost any guide on how to write opinion essay you will find some information about picking the right topics. However, nobody explains how you can write the topics yourself. But why would you even spend days thinking about topics for writing an opinion essay? The quick way to solve the problem is to find some good topics on the Internet. However, rest assured that finding quality topics is not easy either. In fact, you stand a better chance to find a great opinion essay outline than an excellent topic.
Finding Good Opinion Essay Topics Is Tricky
The first thing you need to keep in mind is that using topics you find with opinion essay samples should not be used. Why? Because most of your classmates are probably using those same topics as we speak, and it’s one of the things you should not do while writing an essay. Your topic will not be original and you will not get any bonus points. Speaking of bonus points, did you know that professors award bonus points to essays written on interesting, unique topics? You may be tempted to search for topics on various websites. Most websites never update their topics. This means that, again, you won’t get an original topic. Keep in mind that our writers consistently come up with new opinion essay topics. We update the list of free topics periodically to keep it fresh. In other words, we are your best option.
100+ Great Opinion Essay Topics
Education Opinion Essay Ideas
Are you looking for some education opinion essay ideas? We have some very nice ones for you right here:
- We need more ecology education!
- Punishing students in school is wrong.
- Distance learning problems.
- We need more religion in our education.
- I need a longer school break
- Learning only what we like.
Easy Topics for Opinion Essay
Don’t want to spend much time writing the opinion essay? Take a look at our easy topics for opinion essay writing:
- Ways to eliminate corruption.
- Unethical private prisons
- Minors should be allowed to vote.
- What caused the Cold War?
- Stop eating so much meat.
- The benefits of Socialism.
The other way how to write an opinion essay for a good grade is to hire a professional. Just contact us with the message “Please, help me do my essay!” and get the first-class help.
Opinion Essay Topics 5th Grade
Are you in the 5th grade and you need a great opinion essay topic? Here are some relatively easy ones for you:
- The benefits of online streaming.
- Cats reduce stress.
- What is my president’s role?
- Best way to eliminate corruption.
- The benefits of knowing your history.
- Do we need so much parental supervision?
Environment Argumentative Essay Topics
Talking about the environment never gets old. In fact, your professor will greatly appreciate your choice. Here are some interesting such topics:
- Dangers of climate change.
- Ban blast fishing!
- Why the glaciers are melting.
- Greenhouse gases are killing us.
- Securing sustainable food sources.
- Overgrazing is dangerous.
- Is resource scarcity a real thing?
Ideas for Opinion Articles
Do you need some ideas for opinion articles? No problem! We have some great examples that you can use for free right now:
- Mobile networks are destroying our forests.
- Pros and cons of electric vehicles.
- Why is overfishing so bad?
- I think the world is going in the wrong direction.
- We are running out of ice.
- The truth about ecological damage is hidden from us.
- Why the Panama Channel is so important.
History Opinion Essay Ideas
Your professor will be thrilled to read an opinion essay on a history topic. We have a list of the most interesting topics right here:
- My favorite historical figure.
- This decade is the best in history.
- Students should read more history books.
- How we oppressed the native Indians.
- Afghanistan: a history of conflict.
- How the WWII started.
IELTS Opinion Essay Topics
When you need IELTS opinion essay topics, you absolutely need to take a look at our list. We strive to update it as often as we can.
- Is prevention better than cure?
- Do we need more security and control on the Internet?
- Are single-sex schools worse than co-educational schools?
- Are scientists more important than artists?
- Which is more important, a good wage or job satisfaction?
- Should we invest money in protecting endangered species?
Complex Ideas for Opinion Essays
Do you want to impress your professor? You could try your hand at writing an opinion essay on a more complex topic:
- What does my pet think about me?
- Drinking wine daily helps you live longer.
- Restricting the terms of Congress members.
- The dangers of violent video games.
- Pros and cons of GMOs.
- Torture can be effective.
- We should ban the use of stem cells.
Ideas for Opinion Writing for College
College students need topics that are more complex than high school ones. Pick any opinion essay topic from the list below and start writing now:
- Fracking should be stopped.
- Gender discrimination in our legal system.
- Are private schools really better?
- Use public transportation more.
- ICE detention camps.
- What causes alcohol addiction?
- Can we ban smoking?
Political Science Opinion Essay Ideas
Looking for some opinion ideas for a political essay? We have some ideas that are great for 2023:
- Political messaging on Twitter.
- Political messaging on Facebook.
- Benefits of political strikes.
- The failure of our foreign policy.
- Controlling the guns politically.
- Corruption at the highest levels.
Opinion Writing Ideas for High School
We are happy to present you our opinion paper topics for highs school students. You are free to use any of the following ideas as you see fit:
- Can you have too much money?
- No babysitting until you’re 14.
- Eliminating bullying from schools.
- Educational video games.
- We should be allowed to pick our teachers.
- We can drive at 14 instead of 16.
- No Facebook for children under 14.
Some Unpopular Opinion Topics
We really do provide opinion essay examples free of any kind of charge. We even have some very unpopular topics that you can play with:
- Is Beyoncé overrated?
- Ketchup should be served cold.
- Dangers of rare steak.
- Vegan is better than vegetarian.
- Your smartphone is dangerous.
- Why pay your taxes?
Public Opinion Topics
As you probably know, writing an opinion essay can be difficult. To make things a bit easier, try one of our public opinion topics:
- I don’t agree with Trump.
- We should be allies with Russia.
- Obamacare is bad for the US.
- Who will win the next election?
- My favorite sports team.
- Can we eliminate poverty?
Nursing Ideas
You will be thrilled to learn that we have a few great opinion writing topics about nursing. Here are some of the most interesting we can think of:
- Can bladder cancer be cured?
- Causes of vaginal atrophy.
- Can we control infectious diseases?
- What caused the COVID-19 pandemic?
- Preventing breast cancer.
- Banning abortion in the US.
A Couple of Good Opinion Topics
Are you looking for the most interesting opinion topics? Our ENL writers did some brainstorming and came up with these ideas for our readers:
- Avoid RIAA labels and they music.
- We need longer school breaks.
- Physical education is extremely important.
- School dress codes are limiting our freedom.
- Do we live in an immoral society?
- You should learn a second language.
Social Media Topics
Almost any opinion essay sample you find on the Internet is about a social media topic. Here are some topics that nobody thought of yet:
- We rely too much on the Internet.
- Technology is critical for education.
- Preventing identity theft.
- Parts of the Internet must be censored.
- Facebook is killing social interaction.
- Are social networks safe?
- Smartphone apps and children.
The Opinion Essay: Tips and Tricks
So here are some interesting tips and tricks to do your assignment. How do you start off an opinion essay? The first thing you need to do is read some great opinion essay examples. They will teach you how to write an opinion essay quickly. The next thing you should do is learn how to start an opinion essay. We probably have an article about this on our website, so you can just read it. Remember, the opening statement in opinion essay writing is very important. Take your time and write the best statement possible. Finally, remember that even though you are free to present and support your opinion (you can be subjective at times), you should write your paper following all the relevant academic writing standards. If you need some paper writing help, our best writers and professional editors are at your disposal.