267 Custom Journalism Research Topics

Journalism is the act of gathering, sieving through, creating, and presenting information or story for public consumption. The medium of distribution is often magazines, newspapers, social media networks, blogs, books, podcasts, televisions, and others.
With the rise of the internet, it incorporates every form of storytelling about current affairs which can be disseminated to the public in any way. Now that you know what journalism is, how do you develop your journalism research paper topics, and how do you write?
How to Write a Paper on Journalism
Your professors and teachers will be pleased to realize that you adhered to the professional rules of writing a story. ‘A story’ here is what journalists call their pieces. They create brilliant stories through processes like:
- The Research: This is the stage where journalists look into a subject and gather more information about it. They assess if the story must be told, and visit the places where those things happen, if necessary.
- Sticking to An Angle: There are many ways to tell a story. You can choose to uncover the story theme by theme or chronologically. Find the one that will be used to tell the story the best.
- Starting Strong: The introduction or opening sentences to any article, essay, or research paper is the hook readers need to continue reading. You should uncover the who, the what, the where, the when, and the why as you start to write the story in building a solid narrative technique.
- Arranging Your Thoughts: You are already overwhelmed with information about the subject. Having a beginning, middle, and ending will make your story appeal to your audience the most.
- Quotations: A journalist will always need to quote a part of a story. This may be something the journalist got from a witness or on a website and it lets the audience believe in you.
- Writing Creatively: You must develop your paper or essay with short sentences rather than long ones. This will help you use an active voice, readable, and comprehensible voice in your story.
- Ascertaining Your Sources’ Credibility: True stories require that you verify your sources. Be certain that the information they offer is true as they must tally with facts.
- Editing: This is where you go through a rigorous process of proofreading and editing all you’ve written. You also have editors who will go through this process on your behalf.
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Looking for good journalism topics to write about as a university, college, or high school student? Consider these.
Journalism Research Topics
As intending professional journalists, journalism assignment ideas are important for your classes. As already noted above, journalism is the gathering, collection, and assessment of facts and data on current issues.
If you want to be a journalist, you must be open to writing new or developing preexisting stories. These are some good journalism topics to research:
- Examine the importance of any profession of your choice
- Would you say that contemporary journalists are more interested in glamor than frank news reportage
- Examine the role of journalists in discussing COVID-19
- Discuss the activities of a journalist of your choice who has risked his or her life to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic
- When country leaders say females are objects, Analyze the role of the media in influencing stereotypes
- Examine how the development of science and technology has affected or influenced the journalism profession
- Give an overview of the need for third parties for journalism seeking information
- Give an overview of the effects of social media on journalism
- Give an overview of the idea that women are materialistic
- Examine the Influence of journalists in any two scandals by a US president
- What are the roles of journalists in reporting crime
- Investigate the role played by journalists in giving light to terrorism in the Middle East
- Do you think that journalists reveal State secrets on plans to attackers?
- Do you think that the world could be better without journalists?
- Does journalism reduce marginalization through advocacy?
- Examine the significance of the electronic channels helping the spread of journalism
- Investigate how high profiled persons interfere with journalism and Analyze reported
- Examine a state of radio-bullying through journalism
- How does journalism help the world understand its challenges better?
- Would you say that print media is going obsolete to social media and other websites?
- Analyze the role of journalism in a world divided by ideology?
- Would you say that journalists give their life to write the stories the world wants to see?
- Interview five people and express their opinions about journalism
- Interview 5 people in government at any level and express their opinions about journalists
- Examine the issues with any big media houses in the UK
- What impact does the right or left have on any media houses in the US
- Do you think devoting a media station to the propaganda of the right or left is right?
- Examine, with examples, the role of propaganda in changing public opinion
- What are the cultural attitudes to wounded journalists?
- Examine Trump’s responses to journalists in comparison with any other world leader: would you say he is harsher than the rest?
Interesting Research Topics in Mass Communication and Journalism
Before you access mass media essay topics, mass communication itself deals with the process of offering and exchanging information through the media. It’s about disseminating information to the public through various media forms empowered by technology.
There are many mass media research topics that encompass what journalism is all about. Go through this list to choose a controversial or interesting media paper topic:
- Undergo a critical assessment of BBC and its activities since 2010
- Undergo a critical assessment of the role of the media in rebranding China in the public eye
- Examine the role of the media in rebranding post-Soviet Union
- Analyze the systematic challenge of press repression in the US
- Analyze the challenge against press freedom in any socialist country of your choice
- Would you say bad leadership could cause high disregard for freedom of speech?
- Examine the attitude of the public to mass media
- Analyze the role of the public in shaping bills
- Analyze consequences of new commercialization in private media?
- Examine the advertisement strategy of any company of your choice
- Examine the process of cultural integration in any society of your choice through the media
- Analyze the effect of mass media on black people in the US?
- How does mass media reduce violence?
- Analyze the role of the mass media in reducing the horror shared on television channels?
- Examine the Prospects of journalism in any repressed country of your choice
- Examine the development of The Sun
- Investigate the significance of radio and television campaigns against racism and gang fights in the UK
- Examine what libel and the media mess
- How does the mass media discuss human rights issues in any country of your choice?
- Examine the problems associated with need reportage when government own mass media platforms
Investigative Journalism Topics
Amongst the research topics for journalism students is investigative journalism topics. These are topics that may require strict investigation into a case study to understand rising challenges.
As a journalist, you must evaluate a subject deeply before you write on them. These are excellent Journalism topics to write about for university students:
- Trump’s attempt to ban Twitter: Comment on the mass media and government restrictions in today’s world
- Examine the context of social media freedom in the 21st century
- Discuss the use of social media for abuse of human rights
- Examine how the social media police people
- Discuss the nitty-gritty of the cancel culture and the role of mass media
- Investigate any case of abuse in any state of your choice
- Evaluate the preventive measures against COVID-19 virus by institutional bodies
- Account for global repercussions to the discovery and announcement of another virus variation by the South African Government
- How does social media manage misinformation on COVID-19?
- How has digital technology promoted the practice of journalism in the UK
- Discuss the activities of anti-corrupt agencies in the US
- Critically examine the case of corruption against a government leader of your choice
- Discuss the case of corruption against a high profiled man
- Examine how a company of your choice shot to fame from nothing
- Discuss the use of social media amongst vulnerable kids and its consequences
- Does the rising acceptance of the LGBTQ affect the global order?
- Examine how important TV shows affect the public
- Would you say the porn industry is poisoning the minds of young people?
- Examine how Britain Got Talent Influence more kids to express their talent
- Investigate if the comedy shows offer any good to the society
- Analyze the true essence of comedy in any society?
- Critically examine the need for entertainment in the world
- Critically examine the place of content analysis on TV
- How do political debates in markets and other places affect the big discussions?
- How do radio programs affect the average American and their opinions?
- What do you think about phone-in radio and TV programs?
- How does Western media houses influence developing countries’
- What leads to business successes in the media?
- Investigate any broadcasting corporation of your choice
- Examine the politics of gift and admitting students to elite higher institutions
Journalism Research Paper Topics
You may want to write a trustworthy research paper on journalism, what are the things you’ll discuss? Awesome media paper topics dig deep into any controversial issue about anything.
The journalism research paper is usually long-form for a tangible story. You can consider these fun research topics for journalism students in the university or college:
- Assess the role of photojournalism in the profession of journalism
- Discuss the importance of interesting photographs rightly citing five case studies
- Examine media coverages of Dave Chappelle and his banter with the LGTBQ community
- Examine how social media start a court to police people’s career
- Profile the chaotic career of Janet Jackson
- Discuss the media coverage of the 9/11 attack
- Critically discuss the conflict between farmers and herdsmen in Nigeria through relevant literature
- Critically discuss intra-state wars in any African country
- Critically discuss the economy of two or three Middle Eastern countries
- Critically discuss the internet penetration into some areas of the United States
- Give an overview of the role of the media in any democratic Institution
- Give details about journalism in a tyrannical country
- Do you think ambassadors from countries that repress press freedom behave differently in the west?
- What are the major crisis with political godfathers in the UK?
- Examine the crisis of leadership in the UK since the middle of the Cold War
- Examine the dissent in the global power of the UK and the transition to the US
- Examine the challenges of copyright infringement in an open world
- Examine the challenges of the media in protecting journalism
- Do you think media houses will criticize their sponsors?
- Do you think news commercialization will liberate the media?
- Comment on the future of freelance journalists
- Analyze the role of media houses in showcasing graphic stories
- How independent is an editor in editing a controversial story?
- Examine the activities of Guardian UK for a decade
- Discuss the evolution of any media house of your choice
- Compare the hazards of practicing journalism under any military regime
- Discuss the challenges facing journalists in Russia
- Discuss the challenges against journalists in Egypt
- Choose a country and explain how women are oppressed
- Analyze the attitude of the public when a domestic violation story is first published?
Journalism Topics to Write About
It is important to mention broader journalism subjects that could be discussed in your class. Journalism cuts across all issues and almost everything is important.
There are hundreds of media research topics to show you’re knowledgeable about how the world works. You can consider these topics across economies, culture, social and political systems, and many others:
- Examine the role of the media in the socio-economic information
- Analyze the role of the media in spreading culture wars
- How does the media incite violence
- Critically examine the role of the media in the violence of the Capitol on January 6
- What are yeh strategies media houses use to achieve their long-term goals
- What are the ethics a journalist must abide by?
- Why is it important to have free media?
- Do you think having fewer journalists will reduce conspiracies?
- Do you think that the media affects morality?
- Do you believe that politics is intertwined with the media?
- Examine the role of media in controlling public opinion
- How does social media control what people know
- Examine how social media networks use algorithms to erase information
- Would you say that the deletion of tweets and posts by Facebook and Twitters amount to freedom repression?
- Analyze the role of the media in censoring government activities
- Can the media question the government and bring them to account?
- Critically examine the styles of media coverage
- What are the types of media and why are each Important?
- What are the prospects of virtual reality in the media?
- How does the media create non-existent events to back up a propaganda
- Examine the press liberty in North Korea
- Examine how the North Korean government censor western media houses
- Choose three world leaders and discuss their views about journalism
- Choose three world leaders who have banned social media and assess their reasons
- Examine why some countries regulate information
- Examine the need for media campaigns during election seasons
- Examine how speech is censored by the conservative in the UK
- Examine the wartime importance of yeh media
- Critically examine the origin of the media
- Critically discuss how the media censor controversial topics
Journalism Topics for High School
If you’re a high school student, there are numerous journalism topics for you. These are some of the topics that young learners like you can explore. The best journalism experience could start for you right now. Consider these:
- Examine what controversy means in today’s society
- How do media houses generate funds?
- Explain the technology of broadcasting
- Examine the role of media in political rivalry
- Discuss the importance of media reliability
- Discuss the need to eradicate political classes
- Examine how modern society benefits from the media
- Discuss the need to be conscious about current affairs
- Discuss the key stakeholders in today’s media world
- What does partisan media mean?
- What does it require to be a media personality?
- Examine how the media can incite violence
- Discuss the history of media
- Discuss the growth of media and its accessibility
- Discuss the contribution of the media to social crisis
- Discuss the importance of your favorite TV show
- Examine the significance of your favorite radio show
- Discuss the need for music in radio programs
- Do you think media houses have a moral obligation to censor 18+ videos?
- Do you think there are cruel journalists?
- What does a journalist do, in your opinion?
- How do you think you can become a great journalist?
- Why are the traits of good Journalism?
- What singles a great story out?
- Give an overview of your favorite websites where you read current news
- What do you think about the US absence in Afghanistan?
- What do you think about the US role in achieving world democracy
- Do you think the mass media helps with education?
- Do you think the world needs more journalists?
- Why do you think many people want to be Journalists?
Literary Journalism Topics
Literary journalism is writing an essay based on factual information. These could be on rape, drug addiction, crime, unemployment, and many others. They are shaped by facts alone.
You can consider these awesome journalism topics to write about:
- Examine the rape story of any artist you know
- Discuss the life of Oprah Winfrey
- Discuss the difficulties of rising to the top of the ladder in any industry
- Discuss the challenges against women in Hollywood
- Discuss the challenges against kids in Disney
- Examine the struggles of women artists in the music industry
- Discuss the importance of Rihanna’s music to the generation
- Discuss the significance of Kendrick Lamar’s lyrics to the black person
- Discuss the role of Eminem’s music in the white world
- Examine the need for true-life stories in today’s media
- Write a biography of any person of your choice
- Comment on the biography of any person of your choice
- Discuss the significance of Messi in today’s football
- Discuss the importance of FTSE 100 in regulating global markets
- Comment on a crime story you’ve read
- Comment on a piece of historical relevance in the audience
- Discuss the need to revive a popular culture
- Discuss the evolution of any business of your choice
- Examine the science and technology of any Institution of your choice
- Examine a family saga that made public
Research Topics for Journalism Students
As a student of journalism, you know the importance of news. You also know that it is essential that every piece of information that requires to be discussed is discussed.
Some of the fun topics you can discuss are:
- Critically examine the future of blogging and journalism
- Is writing non-fiction also journalism?
- Would you say there is little relationship between the private and public life of a journalist?
- Would you say British journalists work to appeal to the royal family?
- Would you say journalism is simply business?
- Examine the statement that: journalism is also compromising
- Give an overview of the role of journalism in politically unstable countries
- Examine the role of women in the media
- Explain the need for diversified cultures in the media
- How has the media contributed to the existing political conflicts in Kenya?
- Analyze the role of the media in reinstalling s country’s reputation
- Examine the power play between power-hungry politicians and the media
- Give an overview of the problems faced by investigative journalists
- Discuss the Competition for global dominance between US and China
- Discuss the role of Japan in shaping the need for global dominance
- Examine the corruptions politics of the Nigerian Government
- Examine the corruption and politics of the Indian Government
- Discuss the increasing clampdown on Bollywood
- Discuss the increasing marginalization in China
- How does race contribute to choices in Hollywood
- Discuss the concept of ableism in Hollywood
- Examine why religion is important to the world
- Discuss the role of Arabic in Hollywood
- Discuss the multiplicity of content shared by Hollywood
- Do you think Hollywood embraces violence?
- What are your thoughts about using life ammunition while shooting a movie?
- Would you say television is more accepted than cinema?
- Would you say media houses are independent without advertisements?
- Discuss the standards of business reporting in today’s world
- Discuss the need for new stories
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Sports Journalism Research Papers Topics
It is important that the sports industry is also covered through journalism. As an important part of the world, sport and entertainment have a rising significance in journalism.
You can therefore consider topics like:
- Assess the role of public opinion in choosing players in a team sport
- The contribution of COVID-19 in the sporting industry
- Examine the contribution of COVID-19 in the sports betting industry
- Discuss the economic challenges in sport reporting
- Assess the role of TVG Network in sport reporting
- Discuss the need for players to tell their stories
- Discuss the need for players to get space away from the media
- Rationalize why the media always choke football celebrities
- Why did Messi win the 2022 Ballon D’Or?
- Examine the effects of switching clubs on Ronaldo
- Discuss the importance of women in sports
- Discuss the controversial issues about trans rights in sports
- Investigate why Adriano quit football
- Do you think digging into the lives of footballers affects them?
- Would you say women’s sports are more important than men’s sports?
- Examine the pointers of great sportsmanship
- Examine the basic difference between Ronaldo and Messi
- Discuss the sports of physically challenged persons
- Discuss the importance of good sport journalism
- Examine the rising tensions of football fans during football matches
- Would you say sports journalism is an integral part of the public?
- Analyze the importance of sport journalism?
- Discuss the trends of journalism in sport
- Examine how sports promote peace
- Discuss the importance of sports commentators
- Discuss the significance of wrestling
- Would you say boxing is a great sport?
High School Investigative Journalism Topics
As a high school student, you may need to carry out a little bit of practical research. If you’re truly interested in journalism, these are investigative journalism topics for you.
These are topics that give you the freedom of creativity:
- What does democracy do about war crimes?
- Analyze the role of the media in fighting crimes
- Would you say politics influence public opinion, not the media?
- Investigate the portrayal of cultural identity through media
- Illustrate the use of the media in promoting unhealthy propagandas
- Discuss what media psychology means
- Investigate the reason why your school chose its name
- A friend of yours lost his pet, how would you write a perfect profile for him?
- Ask your parents for stories about Iraq and write about what you know
- Ask your parents about stories about China and write about what you know
- Ask your parents about stories on Afghanistan and write for you to know
- Investigate how government create jobs
- Investigate the need for ideology by politicians
- Investigate how the quality of life can be improved
- Use social media to discuss the rise of hate crimes
- How does misinformation take shape?
- Discuss the challenges of freedom of speech in developing states
- Assess the role of sexual content in promoting immorality
- Discuss how journalists can avoid violating people’s privacy
- Investigate the politics in Al-Jazeera
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